CHIRLA rejects President Trump’s so-called immigration “compromise” proposal and calls on Republicans to grow a spine and end shutdown immediately.
Los Angeles, CA — The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), the largest immigrant right organization in California, said Saturday President Trump’s so-called offer to end shutdown is nothing more than a gimmick from a man who cannot be trusted. We will not accept a medieval, $5.7 billion wall along the U.S-Mexico border.
Below are statements from CHIRLA Executive Director Angelica Salas:
“The latest move by President Trump to get his way on a medieval, costly, and ineffective border wall is to fling tradeoffs disguised as candy at community. We do not trust a President who says one thing in the morning, tweets something different in the afternoon, and goes on prime time television with another message in the evening. We call on Congress to pass permanent solutions to end the suffering of young undocumented immigrants and Temporary Protected Status recipients who are now in immigration limbo because of President Trump’s cruel immigration policies. The BRIDGE Act is not a solution. It only extends immigration purgatory for more than two million people who live, work, and give to our nation. We will not allow President Trump to use our lives as bargaining chips for his political advantage. This shutdown is not about immigration or a wall. It is about denying working people in and out of the government their due reward for contributing to our society. Congress must make it clear to the President that priority number one is to reopen the government. We are done with gimmicks.”