CHIRLA makes available low cost and free immigration law services to immigrants detained or facing deportation and have ties to California.
Los Angeles — The largest immigrant rights organization in California, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), launched a renewed effort this week to inform immigrant communities in Los Angeles County they do not have to face a loved one’s deportation all alone. The “Warriors for Justice” Campaign is a new effort in response to increased ICE detentions and deportations at the border and in the interior.
CHIRLA’s Deportation Defense Unit attorneys are available to help California families with detainees in the Greater Los Angeles area detention centers. All services are low cost or free to those who qualify.
“As the Trump Administration ramps up their deportation machine at the border and in the interior, so many more families are facing the reality of a loved one who is at a detention center or is at risk of getting deported. People need to know there is professional, compassionate, and immediate legal immigration representation at low or no cost available to them right here in Los Angeles,” stated Richard Lucero, Senior Immigration Attorney at CHIRLA.
The attorneys who make up the Deportation Defense unit at CHIRLA work around the clock to meet with families whose loved ones are in detention or are at risk of being deported. The “Warriors for Justice” visit detainees at the Adelanto and Orange County ICE detention facilities and represent clients in deportation proceedings before the immigration courts. All attorneys are bilingual in English and Spanish.
“But before we can help someone, we need to have a family member contact us and tell us what their case is about. Once we meet, we can begin fighting for the person and look for options to try to keep them in this country,” stated Perla Esquivel, immigration attorney at CHIRLA.
Families of persons detained or those at risk of deportation requesting to speak to an attoreny must complete a confidential, on-line form available at CHIRLA’s website, www.chirla.org. Look for the “Warriors for Justice” link. Upon receipt of their contact information, an attorney will be in touch to set up an appointment with them.