For the first time, Cal EITC relief includes tax filers with ITIN
The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), the largest immigrant rights organization in California, expresses its gratitude to Gov. Gavin Newsom for signing AB 1876, which extends Cal EITC relief to Californians who file their taxes with ITIN.
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has been called an effective anti-poverty program with bipartisan support. States can create their own version of this credit when necessary. AB 1876 is one of these variations, because it allows immigrants who file their taxes with an individual tax identification number (ITIN) to get the refund from the state if they qualify on the basis of income. This is a recognition that the immigrant share of the total tax revenue in California is 28%.
“This is going to help us a lot,” said Norma Miranda, 59, a Peruvian immigrant and CHIRLA member who has lived in the United States for more than 20 years. “Since the pandemic began, I have had very little work, and my husband is disabled because of a work accident. He is a citizen, but he didn’t get the federal stimulus because of my situation. Now, I can help him because I can get this tax refund.”
Please attribute the following statements to Angelica Salas, CHIRLA executive director:
“Immigrants are Californians who contribute with their labor and their taxes, and in these difficult times, they have got to be included. Gov. Newsom today has opted to include them by signing AB1876 to allow these taxpayers to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit. More than 600,000 taxpaying immigrants, including 200,000 children, previously left out of this economic stimulus will be thankful the next time they file their taxes.
“This is a victory that took several years in the making and belongs to the persistent and hard work from organizations, lawmakers, and immigrants. At a time when immigrants are so excluded in so many other places, California is choosing to recognize their contributions and their needs and while doing so boosting our efforts to recover from the economic crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the right path to be on, and Gov. Newsom has taken a good step.”