The U.S.must clean up the mess it created by reuniting families it tore apart at the border and should expect no applause for doing what is right.
Los Angeles — The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), the largest immigrant rights organization in California, demanded the Trump Administration stop pussyfooting around a federal judge’s order to reunify the thousands of children it forcefully and shamefully removed from their parents. This week, DOJ admitted in court filings it had already deported 463 parents without their children.
The following are statements for Angelica Salas, CHIRLA Executive Director
“The human crisis at the border the Trump Administration created gets worst and worst by the day. DOJ’s admission that at least 463 parents have already been deported without reunifying with their children is ruthless and vengeful. This is not the American way and we reject our government’s handling of this situation.
By deporting the parents without their sons and daughters, the Trump Administration has employed a ghastly torture technique on children in order to deter the adults from coming to the U.S. to seek a better life. Thus far, the government has sent 463 children the message their lives, feelings, and future means nothing. It is a monstrous, anti-immigration PR campaign only a sadistic Administration could have devised.
Members of Congress and the American people must demand accountability from President Trump, Attorney General Sessions, and DHS Director Nielsen and ask them to stop this sinister campaign and reunite every single child with their parent immediately. The strength of a nation is best shown when it is compassionate, humane, and respectful of everyone’s dignity.”